From idea to tattoo.
Hi! Here at Epona Tattoo Sanctuary we specialise in a very broad range of styles, techniques and we are very experienced in tattoo transformations and cover ups. We do have a range of pre drawn designs in stock but we tend to create unique individual tattoos for each separate client, even if it’s a very popular tattoo theme we will find a way to make it yours. We believe that each and every tattoo from the smallest and simplest to the greatest and most complex all deserve the exact same respect and care. Each one is just as important to its client and to us. With this in mind we do not skimp on the preparations involved and we will take the time to make sure every tattoo we do is to the very highest of our standards. Tha application of the tattoo is only a part of the process, the concept and design process is equally as important.

1. The Consultation
- Most people prefer to book a consultation before they take the big step of booking a tattoo. This gives you a chance to meet your tattooist, chat through what you want in detail and to see if you are comfortable at Epona.
We will need to see images of tattoo styles and photographic references of the subject matter for example photos of flowers, animals or whatever the subject of your tattoo will be. We also need to know where on the body it will go and approximate size preference. Please note that the tattoo should fit the shape of the body part and must be of a suitable size for the details. Smaller means simpler, detailed needs more space.
Please note we do not copy other peoples personal tattoos- we can use them to inspire the creation of your tattoo but to copy exactly is professionally unacceptable
2. The Tattoo Appointment - what to expect.
Whether it is your first tattoo or just your first one at Epona here is a quick example of what you an expect.
When you first come in you will be greeted with at big hello and if it’s your first tattoo with us you will complete a consent form. Your tattooist will being arranging the final setup (we don't set up our machines until you have arrived for hygiene reasons). Once the paperwork has been completed - don't forget to bring your ID - we will start the process of preparing you for the tattoo. This will involve washing and shaving the area to be tattooed and then making sure the design is positioned correctly. Tattoo designs are generally transferred to the skin in two ways, by either using a stencil paper or by drawing them on by hand. The type of tattoo you are getting will determine which of these two processes will be used though most tattoos are actually a combination of both. If you are getting a cover-up or rework of an old tattoo it is most likely that you will have most or all of your tattoo drawn on by hand. Examples of these two processes are given n the pictures below. Once your tattoo is transferred we are ready to go. You will need to be able to sit (or lie) for an extended period of time so feel free to bring along some headphones and some music or a film to watch if you think that will help you pass the time. If you need to take a break or to go to the toilet just let your tattooist know, for longer sessions your tattooist will also need to take a break every hour or so. |
Hand Drawing preparation
Here we have an existing tattoo to be added to, incorporating a cover up at the bottom. The Raven is drawn on freehand using new clean sharpie pens instead of using a carbon stencil. This allows the artist more freedom to integrate the new tattooing more seamlessly into the existing work.
Stencil preparation
here we have an example of a predrawn tattoo design of a pocket watch and rose. The drawing is transferred on to carbon appear and applied to the skin with purpose made stencil application fluid after thoroughly cleaning and preparing the area to be tattooed. Last minute alterations are made using a new clean sharpie pen.
3. After Your Tattoo
When a tattoo is first done it is an open wound and as such it is open to any bacteria that you expose it to. It is important therefore, that you follow the instructions given to you by your tattooist. Once your tattoo is completed it will be dressed and sealed from the environment. Please leave this dressing on until the next morning to give your tattoo a chance to heal a little before being exposed to the outside world and all it's bacteria. Your tattooist will go through our aftercare instructions with you and give you them in writing but if you forget them you can always find them here again.
Epona's tattoo after care.
Please leave the dressing on until the following morning. We advise removing it as soon as you can on waking up, preferably in the shower.
Wash gently (with clean hands) with your soap and gently pay dry with a clean towel.
Keep your tattoo clean, this is the most important part of after care. Please wash your tattoo 3 times a day.
Wear Loose clean cotton clothing over your tattoo whilst healing. After a couple of days your tattoo will develop a light scab .
Do not pick or scratch LEAVE IT ALONE! Continue to wash & apply cream.
Picking scabs removes colour and could cause infection. During your healing process if your tattoo feels tight or uncomfortable, apply a TINY amount of recommended ointment to relive it.
Always wash hands before applying cream/ ointment. I recommend a very mild moisturiser such as;
El Gato Negro
Palmers Cocoa butter lotion
Lush Dreamcream
(Applying too much will delay healing and cause excessive scabbing, so only use a little)
DO NOT re-bandage the tattoo whilst healing.
DO NOT soak the tattoo whilst healing ( a quick wash or shower is sufficient)
NO animal hair
NO dusty environments, etc.
NO swimming
NO sauna
NO sunbeds
NO exposure to direct sunlight during the healing.
Epona's tattoo after care.
Please leave the dressing on until the following morning. We advise removing it as soon as you can on waking up, preferably in the shower.
Wash gently (with clean hands) with your soap and gently pay dry with a clean towel.
Keep your tattoo clean, this is the most important part of after care. Please wash your tattoo 3 times a day.
Wear Loose clean cotton clothing over your tattoo whilst healing. After a couple of days your tattoo will develop a light scab .
Do not pick or scratch LEAVE IT ALONE! Continue to wash & apply cream.
Picking scabs removes colour and could cause infection. During your healing process if your tattoo feels tight or uncomfortable, apply a TINY amount of recommended ointment to relive it.
Always wash hands before applying cream/ ointment. I recommend a very mild moisturiser such as;
El Gato Negro
Palmers Cocoa butter lotion
Lush Dreamcream
(Applying too much will delay healing and cause excessive scabbing, so only use a little)
DO NOT re-bandage the tattoo whilst healing.
DO NOT soak the tattoo whilst healing ( a quick wash or shower is sufficient)
NO animal hair
NO dusty environments, etc.
NO swimming
NO sauna
NO sunbeds
NO exposure to direct sunlight during the healing.